Parenting Hack: Motivating Kids to Brush Their Teeth

We’ve all been there before; battling it out with our kids to get them to not only WANT to brush their teeth, but to brush their teeth  LONG enough to actually do something to prevent cavities. But battle no more, with today’s  “Parenting Hack” I’ll show you a fun and easy way to motivate kids to brush their teeth that will leave everyone smiling (and with clean teeth!).

The magic trick that has really changed the way my girls brush their teeth is an app for your phone called, "Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B" it is basically a timer that runs for two minutes and as your child is watching and brushing their teeth, a scene of their favorite Disney character is uncovered. Here's a link to the Oral-B website, as well as a link to the app in iTunes, and a link to the app on Google Play.

As simple as it sounds, my kids have really improved in their toothbrushing since we've started using it, not only by increasing the time they brush but also in their effectiveness of the brushing too.

One catch to using the app is that it has to be with Oral-B toothbrushes, and whatever character toothbrush you have that's the scenes you will see when brushing. Want a new character scene? Well then you need to buy a new toothbrush. Here's a few favorites you might like: DoryAvengersStar WarsDoc McStuffins, and Princesses.

But aside from that, it's pretty simple to set up. You first set up your child's name/profile, then they can choose a character to brush with. From there you scan their toothbrush and then it starts a countdown. Once it starts the timer begins for 2 minutes and a scene is shown, but covered in bubbles. As your child brushes, the scene become more clear. During this time music also plays, which my girls love and it makes the brushing time much more fun.

See them brushing here...

In case you're wondering my two favorite “green” kid’s toothpastes that are fluoride-free are:
Xlear Spry Tooth Gel and The Honest Company Strawberry Blast Toothpaste.

After they are done, the scene is revealed and they get to save it as a sticker which goes in their "sticker book." Each character they have gets a sticker book and they can look back through and see all the stickers they have earned so far.

So there you have it, my simple parenting hack for getting kids to brush their teeth: just get the app!
Again here's a link to the Oral-B website, as well as a link to the app in iTunes, and a link to the app on Google Play.

Do you have any other toothbrushing hacks or tips to get your kids to brush their teeth? Share below!
Also, see my other favorite green kid products here on my "Obsessed with It" page (scroll to the very bottom of the page to find my “Green Kids section”.

Disclaimer: This was not a sponsored post, just my honest review of the app...which we love!

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